Meet our Las Vegas Optometrist Dr. Yesnick
Patients From Around the World Come to See Dr. YESnick, Every Year for Their Eye Care.
Patient’s disclose my compassionate care for their most complicated eye health and visual challenges, without rushing, is worth their travel time. Additionally, they report my vast experience and calm, methodical manner is assuring to patients that they will be treated right, the first time.
I make every effort to achieve that personal “one on one” relationship, taking whatever time is required, to earn the patient’s trust. Our word of mouth recommendations from one patient to another is well documented by the significant number of Five Star Google reviews.
I Look Forward To Seeing You,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Y

Los pacientes revelan que mi atención compasiva para sus problemas visuales y de salud ocular más complicados, sin prisas, valen su tiempo de viaje. Además, afirman que mi amplia experiencia y mi forma de actuar tranquila y metódica aseguran que los pacientes serán tratados correctamente, desde el principio.
Hago todo lo posible para lograr esa relación personal de “uno a uno”, tomándome el tiempo que sea necesario para ganarme la confianza del paciente. Nuestras recomendaciones de boca en boca de un paciente a otro están bien documentadas por la cantidad significativa de reseñas de cinco estrellas en Google.
Espero verte pronto.
Un cordial saludo,
Dr. Yesnick
Credentials You Can Count On!
In the entire state of Nevada, there are over 500 optometrists – and Dr. David YESnick, of YESnick Vision Center in Las Vegas, stands above them all!
Dr. Yesnick is the founder of the Vision Recovery Center, a non-profit aimed at helping children and adults with visual impairment afford the low vision aids that can radically change their life.
To donate to this worthwhile cause:
Dr. David YESnick, O.D.
“I find my work incredibly rewarding, and I feel that the most important service I can provide is to emphasize all the ways that you – my wonderful patients – can reduce your risk of developing many eye conditions, such as cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, lazy eye…
The way I see it, it’s rather simple. As humans, we’re all at risk for eye problems, in the same way that being in a car raises your chances of being in a traffic accident. Just like you strap on a seat belt for safety, you need to take basic and real steps to protect yourself from ocular problems.
One safety precaution is to have routine eye exams performed. Good vision doesn’t always indicate good eye health. Only in-depth eye examinations can detect early warning signs of eye conditions. Keep in mind that if you receive an abnormal result from a routine eye exam, there’s a high chance that treatment can diminish or eliminate your risk of vision loss.

A healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking, goes far towards protecting your eyes. Think of it as the equivalent of defensive driving! Finding a quality optometrist who you can depend upon and visit regularly for “eye wellness” check-ups, is just as important. A comfortable, open line of communication between you and your eye doctor is critical.
If you have any worrisome visual symptoms, you need to share them with your optometrist. That’s the only way to find out if these symptoms are related to eye disease or not. Reading descriptions of eye conditions on the internet or listening to stories about people who lost their vision to eye disease, is not the way to get genuine help!
When untreated, eye disease can result in vision loss and blindness. But my job and passion is to help people get better. I work with my patients, and they tend to reorient their lives around what matters to them. It brings me true joy to see them recover their visual independence!
I look forward to seeing you and caring for your eyesight!”
Warm regards,
Dr. David YESnick, O.D.
Take a look at these statistics

Less than ten optometrists treat patients with Low Vision, and Dr. YESnick is one of them. He has been caring for individuals with Low Vision for over a decade.

Dr. Yesnick is passionate about helping residents of Las Vegas with diseases such as macular degeneration that cause low vision.